ICCT 2022 Invited Speaker

Cunhua Pan, Southeast University, China
潘存华, 东南大学


Cunhua Pan received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2010 and 2015, respectively. From 2015 to 2016, he was a Research Associate at the University of Kent, U.K. He held a post-doctoral position at Queen Mary University of London, U.K., from 2016 and 2019.From 2019 to 2021, he was a Lecturer in the same university. From 2021, he is a full professor in Southeast University. His research interests mainly include reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS), intelligent reflection surface (IRS), ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) , machine learning, UAV, Internet of Things, and mobile edge computing. He has published over 120 IEEE journal papers. He is currently an Editor of IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE ACCESS. He serves as the guest editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications on the special issue on xURLLC in 6G: Next Generation Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications. He also serves as a leading guest editor of IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP) Special Issue on Advanced Signal Processing for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-aided 6G Networks, leading guest editor of IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine on the special issue on Backscatter and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Empowered Wireless Communications in 6G, leading guest editor of IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology on the special issue of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Empowered Wireless Communications in 6G and Beyond, and leading guest editor of IEEE ACCESS Special Issue on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Communications for 6G and Beyond. He is Workshop organizer in IEEE ICCC 2021 on the topic of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Next Generation Wireless Communications (RIS for 6G Networks), and workshop organizer in IEEE Globecom 2021 on the topic of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for future wireless communications. He is currently the Workshops and Symposia officer for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Emerging Technology Initiative. He is workshop chair for IEEE WCNC 2024, and TPC co-chair for IEEE ICCT 2022. He serves as a TPC member for numerous conferences, such as ICC and GLOBECOM, and the Student Travel Grant Chair for ICC 2019
潘存华,东南大学信息科学与工程学院正高级研究员,紫金学者。研究领域为无线通信中的信号处理,具体研究方向包括可重构智能超表面 (Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface)、超大规模MIMO、超低时延超高可靠传输(URLLC)、分布式协同优化算法(Distributed algorithms)和无蜂窝大规模MIMO技术(Cell-free Massive MIMO)等。2010年本科毕业于东南大学信息科学与工程学院,2015年博士毕业于东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室(直博)。2015年到2016年在英国肯特大学从事博士后工作,参与欧盟地平线2020项目研究。2016年 到2019年在英国伦敦玛丽女王大学(罗素集团)担任高级研究员。2019年至2021年担任英国伦敦玛丽女王大学助理教授(永久教职)兼博士生导师,2021年12月起在东南大学信息科学与工程学院工作。 近年来共发表/录用通信领域IEEE权威期刊120余篇(70余篇IEEE会刊论文,如IEEE JSAC, IEEE TSP, IEEE TWC, IEEE TCOM等通信领域顶级期刊),其中第一/通信作者IEEE期刊论文70余篇。2022年1月份有18篇IEEE期刊论文为相应期刊当前热点下载论文(各个期刊全部文章中当月下载量排名前50)。共8篇论文入选Essential Science Indicators (ESI) 高被引论文(引用前1%)。2篇第一作者论文18个月内共被引700余次,均入选ESI热点文章(引用前1‰)。另外,发表/录用通信领域旗舰会议ICC、Globecom等国际会议论文53篇,获2014年Globecom最佳论文提名奖。谷歌学术总引用5300余次,H因子为39。现担任IEEE Wireless Communications Letters、IEEE Communications Letters等国际期刊编委。担任通信领域顶级期刊IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications的客座编辑。领衔组织4个关于可重构智能表面(Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface,RIS)技术的IEEE期刊专刊,包括信号处理领域顶级杂志IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing和车载通信领域权威期刊IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine。担任IEEE WCNC 2024 Workshop主席以及IEEE ICCT 2022 TPC Co-chair。作为初始创始人之一共同创办IEEE通信学会关于可重构智能超表面的新技术倡议组织,负责Workshop和Symposia等专题。