ICCT 2022 Invited Speaker

Di Zhang, Zhengzhou University, China
张迪, 郑州大学


Di Zhang (dr.di.zhang@ieee.org) is an associate professor at Zhengzhou University, China, and is also an adjunct researcher of Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. He is an Area Editor of KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Editor of IEEE Access, and IET Quantum Communication. He has served as a Guest Editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications Special Issue on 5GB Remote e-Health and the IEEE Network Special Issue on Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum for Future 5G/B5G Wireless Networks. In 2019, he received the ITU Young Author Award and the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award. His research interests include e-health, information theory, signal processing, and the Internet of Things.

张迪,男,郑州大学副教授/早稻田大学理工学术院客座研究员。张博士是欧美同学会会员、IEEE Senior Member、EAI(European Alliance for Innovation)Senior Member、中国电子学会会员、IEICE会员;目前主持国家自然科学基金、科技部特别专家基金等项目,担任KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems区域编辑(Area Editor),Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers、IET Quantum Communication等编辑;曾担任IEEE Wireless Communications、IEEE Network等客座编辑,IEEE ICC 2022,IEEE WCNC 2020, IEEE/CIC ICCC 2020等会议共同主席;曾在IEEE Netsoft 2021、IEEE Healthcom 2020等会议作主题报告(Tutorial, Keynote);曾在首尔国立大学、国立中兴大学(中国台湾)等单位进行访问及研究;曾参与欧盟FP-7框架、欧盟地平线计划(Horizon 2020)、韩国国家科学技术研究中心等项目;曾获得国际电联青年作者奖、IEEE计算机学会杰出领导力奖等荣誉;目前主要研究方向为:空天海地一体化网络通信、先进物联通信、以及相关技术的实际应用等。