ICCT 2022 Invited Speaker

Hong Ren, Southeast University, China
任红, 东南大学


Hong Ren, Associate Professor, received her master’s and doctoral degrees from Southeast University, in 2014 and 2018, respectively. From 2016 to 2018, she was a CSC visiting student at University of Southampton, U.K. From 2018 to 2020, she held a post-doc position at Queen Mary University of London, U.K. In October 2020, she joined the National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University. Her current research interests lie in the key technologies for 5G/6G, including ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (URLLC), intelligent reflecting surface and machine learning. Her papers have been cited by more than 2500 times (Google Scholar), and she have received more than 1,000 citations since 2021. In the past five years, she have published 42 IEEE journal papers (JASC/TSP/TWC/TCOM, etc.) , among which 16 are the first/corresponding author papers. In September 2021, 11 IEEE journal papers are in the popular paper list in the corresponding journals, 3 papers are selected as ESI highly cited papers, and 2 papers are selected as ESI hot papers. She has been serving as the technical committees (TPC Member) of some international conferences in the field of communications, such as IEEE ICC/Globecom/WCNC. Currently she holds projects include National Natural Science Foundation of China、Basic Research Project of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Huawei Project. She undertakes the professional curriculum lecture of "Digital Communication" for undergraduate students.

任红,东南大学信息科学与工程学院副研究员,硕士生导师,江苏省双创博士。2014年和2018年获得东南大学通信与信息系统硕士和博士学位。2016年至2018年受国家留学基金委资助赴英国南安普顿大学无线通信组开展合作研究。2018年至2020年,受英国EPRSC研究基金资助赴英国玛丽女王大学从事博士后研究工作。2020年10月加入东南大学信息科学于工程学院移动通信国家重点实验室。目前研究方向包括5G/6G移动通信理论及关键技术、超高可靠低延迟通信(URLLC)、智能反射表面通信及机器学习。谷歌学术总引用2500余次,2021年以来被引1000次余次。近五年共发表/录用IEEE权威期刊SCI论文42篇(包括JASC/TSP/TWC/TCOM等),其中第一/通信作者论文16篇。2021年9月,11篇IEEE期刊论文为相应期刊热点下载论文,3篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,2篇论文入选ESI热点论文。长期担任通信领域核心国际会议IEEE ICC/Globecom/WCNC等技术委员会成员(TPC Member)。现主持项目包括国家自然科学基金项目(1项)、省基础研究计划项目(1项)、东大华为联合实验室项目(1项)等。承担本科生专业课《数字通信》的教学工作